Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I screwed up

I missed posting yesterday which means I probably won't remember everything, if anything.

At work my barrel pump stopped working so now to add chemicals to the tanks, I have to put a submersible pump in a 5 gallon bucket, then use a hand pump to pump from the barrel to the 5 gallon bucket. Not good times. I'm trying to make as little adds as possible but I have a feeling that will bite me in the ass before my new barrel pump comes in.

My group leader bought me Jimmy John's for lunch though so there was that.

I got home and headed for the shower. Once Samantha got home, we headed out to the gun range. We mainly shot my 9mm handgun and I fired my friends a few times.

He also brought a 38 revolver that I tried, holy crap did that thing have some kick for a handgun.

We used our hour and went through 250 bullets between the 2 of us. It was good to get out and do that again. Although I did have an issue. My contacts have been adjusted so much to see far that I have trouble seeing close now so I have trouble lining up the sights.

We had fun which is all that really matters. I let Samantha drive us home. She did alright except we were at a light where there was 2 cars in front of us. They both turned right on red and I'm pretty sure Samantha was just going to go right threw that red light to go straight. Just as I hollered at her, it turned green so we would have been ok but it was definitely a teaching moment.

This morning started off like a normal morning but just before lunch, I had put a hose in one of the tanks and I knew it was going to be 20 minutes or so before I needed to shut it off so I figured I'd grab the forklift while the drivers were on lunch and grab my barrels from where we store them so I could make my ads when I was done. I went looking for the forklift and couldn't find where our guy parked it so now I was annoyed. I looked around bit and then ended up just sitting there waiting for him to come back from break so I could tell him to get my stuff. The problem was, because I got annoyed, I completely forgot the hose. That is until my boss called and said he just got a call that one of the tanks was overflowing. I was pissed at myself. It was the first time since I started that I overflowed one. What's worse is you have to use a wet dry vac to clean up the overflow because there is no drain in the floor. Luckily one of the guys helped me out otherwise it wouldn't have taken the whole afternoon to clean it up. We'll see if there are any consequences tomorrow. I'm not expecting any but if they did, I would sit and take it.

When I make a mistake, I beat myself up over it. I still get mad about it and it was almost 9 hours ago.

From a friend's snapchat

The funny thing that happened today was they started a swear jar at work. We are pretty much keeping tally's at this point because most of us don't really carry cash, let alone a quarter for each cuss word. We've even added a bunch of people that if they are in our department, they are liable to follow the swear jar as well.

I was going to take a photo at the end of the day but I forgot, I just wanted to get the hell out of there after my mistake. How much do I owe you ask? Not a damn thing. My mom raised me right, I know when I have to hold my tongue. I'm sure I'll slip up here and there in the future but it shouldn't be a problem. Me and a couple of other people still cuss in front of each other, we don't care, we just don't do it in front of certain people who will ding you.

Last I heard, the money was being donated but I'm not positive about that. So if I do get caught cussing, it'll be for the kids, which is what I'll say.

I'm currently sitting in the car outside of the therapist office. I brought my laptop so I'm just chilling in the car, in my pj's and typing up this blog. Although she should be just about done so I may finish at home.

I am home now but I'm done for the day. We'll see if I post tomorrow. I don't think anything is going on after work but we'll see.

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