Saturday, October 20, 2012

Awards day

The kids came home with some awards from school the other day.  They both got these.

award02            award03

Perfect Attendance awards.  My mom is rolling her eyes starting to wonder who’s kids these really are.  I skipped school, a lot.  But I guess at elementary school none of that had started so I guess we’ll see where they end up in a few years.  Trevor also came home with this.


I suppose I could have scanned these and made them prettier, but it’s easier just to snap a picture with my phone and upload them.  I’m not sure what to make of this one.  It’s recognizing him for trying harder.  Does that mean he wasn’t doing anything at the beginning of the year?  Is this one of those awards you give the slow kids to make them feel better?  Trevor’s first 2 years of school he came home with a Student of the Month award the first month of school both years.  Since I got these, it reminded me of that.  Samantha has brought home the Student of the Month before as well but later in the year.  They give out something like 5 per class each month.  So first month I’m thinking, great job.  4th or 5th month, I’m thinking they are stretching to find some new kid to give it to.


  1. It's that "everyone's a winner" mentality. I'm not so sure about this philosophy.

    1. I'm sure about it, it sucks. I don't like it at all.

  2. I agree with Stephen on this one. I'm all for the Attendance Award, because, hey, as they get older they may turn out like you and I and not want to go, so let's encourage them now. Some awards seem a bit much though. My son once got one when he was in T-ball just for being on the team. They were an awful team and my son sat down in the outfield and played with the dirt. He didn't deserve an award, he deserved a lecture from the coach!

    1. I don't like it either, my kids get excited when they get their participation medals after little league. It's just the start of teaching kids now that everything is just given to them. It's the first step to spoiling them.
