For those that don’t know, I tend to get to work usually around a quarter till and I sit in my car until about 5 till before I go in. I’d rather sit alone, listening to music, then sit in the break room and be annoyed by everyone in there. I was sitting in my car the other day, watching people going in, and I see Ricky go by. Now Ricky wears a sweatshirt to work every day, and I mean every day. Remember when I posted about the heat at work, yeah, even those days he wears sweatshirts. Back on those hot days of summer, I asked him why he wore them. His answer “I’m usually cold”. Considering it was over 100 degrees at the time, I just walked away. If your still cold and it’s over 100 degrees, you have some medical issues you need to get taken care of. Anyways, back to the story. I was sitting in the car and Ricky goes by, with his usual sweatshirt on, with the sleeves pulled up to his elbow. Wait, what? You tell me your cold all the time, but here you are, where it is currently under 20 degrees, with your sleeves pulled up, and gloves on. If it isn’t a medical condition, it’s a mental condition.
Kids came home with their report cards. Those all looked great. Since they are still in elementary school, their report cards still come with 1, 2, 3, 4 grades. Both had all 3’s & 4’s. 3 is meeting standards, 4 is above standard. Samantha had a few 2’s on her last report card, so that she got them all up to 3’s says a lot. They also came home with these.
The ones on the left are Samantha’s, the one on the right is Trevor’s. They both got Perfect Attendance award (they got it the first quarter as well). But Samantha came home with the 4-star award. Those 4 stars stand for Responsibility (All assignments on time), Behavior (No discipline referrals), Academics (all 3 or 4 stars), Effort (daily personal best). That award came as a shocker because she is the one that we usually have to worry about. If I had to guess, the only thing stopping Trevor from getting that award was he got a 1 on neatness (I’m guessing his handwriting), while it is legible, it’s definitely not neat. I’m extremely proud of Sam, it’s a definite improvement.
I’m a little bummed because I was supposed to go to Ann Arbor tomorrow and attend a card show. I was going to meet a fellow card blogger up there. They don’t have crap for shows around here, that should be obvious since I was willing to spend 5 hours (round trip) just to go to one. But between money and weather, it just wasn’t ideal. I’ll get up to one sooner or later. I might be heading down to see my cousin in a little over a month and where he lives, they have card shows every other week. But, of course, the weekend I’m going is the off weekend. Such is my life.
Your kids are setting the foundation for solid academic achievement. Dad deserves to be proud.