Saturday, January 12, 2013

I’m pumping, me up

In case you missed it, I started a little bit of a workout. I’ve completed my first week today.  There is a small workout facility next to the office at our apartments and I can access it while the office is open and they aren’t open tomorrow.  If I stick with this for a month or so, I may go get a key so I can get into it anytime but I know myself, and I want to stay with it for awhile and make sure it’s going to stick.  The plan is to work out on my days off.  I can’t work out on the days I work because one, I’m exhausted.  And two, the office is closed before I get home so I would have to get the key to do that.  So I decided to just do the off days.

They have a stationary bike, an elliptical machine, a treadmill and a home gym set up with all the weights.  Monday was my first day off and I rode the bike, Tuesday I did the bike again but added the elliptical. Wednesday I worked, Thursday I did the bike, elliptical and played around with the weights to see if I wanted to add those to my workout.  Friday, the kids and I were out most of the afternoon so I didn’t get the chance, but we did go bowling so that’s some exercise at least.  Today, I felt good once I started and did the biggest workout so far.

  • Monday – biked 5 miles.
  • Tuesday – biked 4 miles, walked 563 steps (10 minutes) on the elliptical.
  • Thursday – biked 6 miles, walked 477 steps (10 minutes) on the elliptical.
  • Saturday – biked 10 miles, walked 498 steps (10 minutes) on the elliptical.seated chest press 4 reps of 10, 50 lbs., butterfly press, 4 reps of 10, 50 lbs.

I know that 50 lbs looks weak, but I really have no upper body strength.  I’ve always had strong legs from all the basketball, baseball and some running when I was growing up.  I never really did anything for my upper body.  Plus, I really just didn’t have a clue where to start so I started at 50 lbs.  I haven’t worked out since high school which is over 20 years ago and I never liked it back then.  I think the reason’s I’m tolerating it now are fairly simple.

  1. I’m fat – I’ve been fat for awhile now, but now my gut is getting in the way.  Clothes are getting tighter, it’s getting more difficult to tie my shoes. stairs kick my ass and my knees have been hurting.  Needless to say, I’ve been very disappointed in myself.
  2. Blood Pressure – I’ve been borderline high blood pressure for years, I’m guessing with the additional weight I’ve put on, that I might be pushing that.  That’s why I started with the bike because I need to get my heart rate up to make the blood pressure go down.
  3. I’m a loner – I don’t like people and this gym is seldom used.  So when I’m pushing my measly 50 lbs. in the air, I don’t have to worry about other people standing in the corner calling my a pussy.  Not that I care what they think, but I prefer to be left alone.
  4. Music – I’m really into listening to my music on Spotify.  I’ve always been into music but I hate the radio (commercials, sometimes poor song choice), I’ve always made mixed tapes and cd’s but they only last up to 20 songs and then your listening to the same stuff again.  I tend to start knowing what song is next and I don’t like that.  So now that I’ve started using Spotify, I have a playlist of over 1000 songs (no repeating) and they are all songs I like (no sucky ass songs).  Working out gives me more chance to listen to my music.
  5. Books – I’ve also gotten into reading a lot more.  But I don’t like to make time at home to read, I’d rather be watching TV or movies and being online in my down time.  Right now, I only read on my breaks at work so it takes awhile to get through even a smaller book.  While on the bike and the elliptical, I read (yes, while listening to music, I’m cool like that).

So there you see, I have other motives to keep me working out.  We’ll see if I stick to it or not.  Another problem that may be an issue, if you recall, we are trying to buy a house this summer.  If that happens, I lose my gym and will have to find something else.  Or maybe, pay for the key and come by after hours so nobody knows I’m using it.  Hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your exercise program. I'm sure you look fine but feeling healthy and energized is a worthy goal in itself.
