Monday, May 5, 2014

A to Z Challenge–Reflections

Another year has gone by and another year of the A to Z Challenge has passed.  This was my 2nd year and the 2nd time I completed all the days.  Although I must admit, this year was fairly easy compared to last.  Mainly because I didn’t really write much this year.  It did take some time to screen cap each artists songs so it wasn’t a walk in the park, but it was nice have a few letters not having very many groups.  I had planned on staying a few days ahead with my posts but it didn’t work out that way.  I did manage to post on the day that I was supposed to, just some days were a lot later in the evening than others.

While I did have more interaction with readers, my pageviews weren’t any different from last month.  My followers only went up 3 people so while I did finally get off of 53, it wasn’t by much.  Which is fine, I image probably 50 of those followers following me probably don’t read much anyways.  My wife is a follower and I’m pretty sure even she doesn’t read me anymore.

The A to Z Challenge did get me to finally blog again, at least for 27 of the 30 days.  I’m not sure it gave me the kick in the ass that I was hoping it would to get me blogging more.  I was doing a lot of book stuff before I started my new job, now I don’t take much time to read anymore so that’s out.  Little league games start this Saturday so I’m sure I can squeak a few more blog posts about the kids.  We’ll see.

If you are one of the regular readers of this blog, you know I like stats.  So let’s check out my stats for this April.

  • Songs shown – 1651
  • Different artists – 528
  • Songs added since April 1st – 153
  • Total of songs accounted for – 1804
  • Songs that I missed somehow – 138
  • Actual total of songs on the playlist – 1942

I’m not sure how I missed 138 songs but somehow I did.  I know I didn’t hide any, I made it a point to post everything.  Oh well.

I got some regular commentors, a couple that posted on multiple posts so they didn’t just stop by, leave a comment, then bolt.  To the regular commentors, a big thank you for sticking with me and for also for all the new suggestions in music.  As you can tell, I added quite a few because of those suggestions.

I’ll try to get back to regular posting, I’m not guaranteeing anything, but I’ll try


  1. I think you did a good job Jeff. I added several new songs to my playlists because of your challenge. You are in my Feedly reader so I can keep up with you....

  2. Congratulations on completing the challenge.

    I remember checking out your blog during the challenge because I was also following a music theme this year. I enjoyed your posts.
