Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Journal, May 14th

Work (6am to 2pm)

Had a decent day until the end of my shift.  I spent the last couple of months getting pretty good at my job and now they want to completely change the way I do.  The way I did it was efficient, I had time to load up the carts and get other things done in between.  Now they want me to not load up the carts with as much parts so I have to run out to the carts way more often, leaving me less time to do everything else.  Oh well, guess we’ll do it their way until they realize how dumb it is.

Encore Cinemas (5:00-8:00)

Picked up the kids around 4 then took them (and grandpa) to see the Amazing Spiderman 2.  I’ve been trying to get the kids into those (Marvel/Comic Book) movies so I’ve taken them to a couple.  They always love them and I figured it wouldn’t be a bad tradition to get into.  I may do a movie review for it tomorrow, but right now, I’m too tired and must go to bed.

Good night all!

Stats today

  • Supper at home (Spaghetti) 
  • TV – Person of Interest, the Goldberg’s, the Blacklist, Mike & Molly and About A Boy (DVR)

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