Monday, February 13, 2023

This Week - Journal

Monday (February 6th)

The line was a mess this morning. Soap and Hot Rinse were almost empty. The Etch and the Seal were off. By the time, I got the tanks filled up and the other 2 tanks heated up, we lost a few hours. Which in an 8 hour shift, you lose a few at the beginning of the shift and you automatically lose a couple hours at the end so we didn't get much done.

After work, I got gas and then dropped off the box to F&G and he gave me 3 Walmart bags full of blasters and packs that were already open. After I finished scanning my cards, I went ahead and pulled all of the cards out of the packages and skimmed through them. I saw a bunch I'll be keeping plus a lot of decent cards so I'm not sure who took what out of them.

Tuesday (February 7th)

The boss gave me a project to get done by Friday and I haven't been able to start it because every time I sit down to do it. I think I can knock it out pretty quick if I can just get the time to sit down to do it.

Came home and finished the cards I brought home Monday so I'll probably run by the shop tomorrow and get more.

Wednesday (February 8th)

I got the most sleep last night compared to the rest of the week but I was still tired today. Even napped a bit when I got home.

I ran to F&G after work and dropped off the cards I finished and grabbed some more. He said it was mostly Cubs cards so I don't see me getting too many out of it.

Thursday (February 9th)

Meeting have started to fire up again which means I'll spend half my days in them again.

Came home and Samantha was here. We chatted for about an hour and than Cheri and I ran to Lowe's to do some shopping and grabbed some supper at Sonic. Other than that, nothing too exciting.

Friday (February 10th)

It was Friday, Woo Hoo! I had a couple more meetings so they are definitely picking up. I spent a couple hours sorting bodies. I'm going to feel that in the morning. I got out there around 1:15.

Came home, showered and shaved and then went downstairs for a couple of hours. I finished the boxes that Fred gave me but I still have to check the cards I pulled for myself, then I can put them away and I'll probably take them back on Monday.

We got the Plymouth show tomorrow. I don't think it'll be a great show, financially because the Fort Wayne show is going on as well but I don't care. I just enjoy this show. It's always a good time with good dealers.

Cheri and I ran to Culver's for some supper. Felt good to eat out for a real meal again. I was surprised that it was the 1st time we've been to Culver's this year. Probably because they ditched Mountain Dew.

Saturday (February 11th)

Kevin and I did the Plymouth show. I had a really good time, better than we usually do and we always love that show. It was probably the busiest I have ever seen it and we did close or more than we ever have there. Came home with 3 cards from the show and a box of 1974 Topps to go through from Kevin.

Sunday (February 12th)

Woke up at 7 and rolled around in bed until 8 before I got up. I went downstairs and worked on getting my cards logged in most of the morning in. I still need to scan them but I plan on going over to Kevin's after work all week so I'm not sure when I'm going to do that.

I went over there today and spent about 5 hours sorting all the cards we got from the Man Cave. We got through about 10 or 12 boxes and I came home 

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