On Friday, I had to stay after work because the 2nd shift guy didn't show up, plus it was chilly again so once again I opted out. Saturday, however, was sunny and in the 60's but we know I never walk on Saturday. I decided to get my ass out there and go. I walked down to my mom's house, which ended up being 2.7 miles. She then drove me home since I had to go pick up the kids and she was heading towards my house anyways.
Since yesterday ended up being 2.7 miles, I decided to up it today and walked a 3 mile route. I had to walk past my house about 100 feet and back just to get the 3 miles but I got it. I haven't decided if I'm going to stick to the 2 miles after work or do the 3. I'm definitely doing the 3 on days I don't work but since I get so many steps at work, I may only do the 2 on those days.

Day 89 (Madison, WI) - 290.2 Miles
With my 3 mile walk today, that should put me where I wanted to walk by in Madison tomorrow, so maybe I'll even get a post out.

This was posted to my Random Thoughts Facebook page.

Apparently I didn't tweet so much this week.
My wife hates being called that so you know I'm going to teach them. I already told the 2 kids that live with me and told the oldest daughter and they all agreed to teach their kids to call her that.

58,336 steps isn't the most I've ever had in a week but it's been a long time since I've had that many. We'll see if I can't beat it this week.
You did great! I hope to reach that this coming week, if the weather cooperates!