Monday, April 17, 2017

State of the Blog

I know, I've gone missing again. I'm still doing the walking thing as far as keeping track of my steps. I haven't, however, been very good at going out walking after work. I've been doing just enough to get my 8,000 during the week. I've been working a little more which was partly the cause but truth be told, if I had the motivation, I could have gone for at least a lap in the neighborhood most days.

I want to post here more often but to be honest, I don't have much to talk about. My life is pretty boring. For the most part, I work and sit around and home, that sums up the majority of my days. I don't like to talk about work here because I've seen to many people get fired for posting on social media about work. If I was completely anonymous, I would take the chance but I'm not. I don't even post on my personal Facebook about work even though it's set at Friends Only. I'm not one to talk a lot about work anyways. I generally forget about work when I'm not there. I come home, talk about it for a few minutes with my wife and then I'm done. I don't know why people carry that baggage home with them every night.

At home, I sit around and watch TV and play around on my laptop. I'm usually working on my baseball card blogs as I'm trying to log in every card I own, along with photos and descriptions so needless to say, that takes a long time. I've been working at that for over a year now. Most days I just log in what I got that day and then my weekends I tend to go nuts and spend hours working on them. This weekend I didn't as I drove up to Ann Arbor (2 1/2 hours, one way) for the Michigan spring game so that took up my whole Saturday. Sunday was Easter and I spent most of the day at my moms so I haven't done much of anything this past weekend.

I used to do a lot of posts about music but I have a whole blog for my music now. I also used to post about theEx and the JackAss (click the labels on the right side) and for the most part, I don't deal with them much. The kids are older now and have their own cell phones so she usually contacts them and asks if they can come over. She hasn't paid support in 3 years so I make her pick them up and drop them off here so I don't have to deal with waiting on her at a meeting place anymore. My daughter just says what she wants to her so I don't have to stand up for the kids when they are over there anymore. So that topic has also fallen by the wayside. I still read but it's down to less than a book a week because of my job change (I only read on breaks at work) so technically, I could still blog about that but it still wouldn't be often.

A to Z Challenge Survivor   

Last night, I read where a blogging friend of mine found some writing prompts to try to get herself writing some more. I've done the A to Z Challenge for a couple of years but I just don't like being told I have to post 6 days a week. The 2013 one I had the kids write down a word and wrote about it, 2014 I did my music tracks but again, I have a whole blog for my music now.

So I googled blog writing prompts and started taking a few off of a couple of lists and was making a list of my own but then I came across a list with over 600 prompts on it. I said, screw my list and just bookmarked that page. Now my goal will be to just random that page, and write about what comes up. I won't be posting daily by any means but I will post more often. I would like to do a couple a week, at minimum.

Plus, with blogging every few days, I can update the walking stats on the bottom of those posts so there's that as well.

So that's a state of the blog kind of post to let you all know what's going on here. Let's see how well I keep to it, that will be the real challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good plan Jeff, blogging can get hard when "real life" comes first, I too was off the grid for a while and am trying to get my groove back, blog prompts can help, they don't necessarily tell you what to write but rather get you started on an idea that you hadn't thought of.

    It'll work Jeff I have faith.
