Thursday, November 26, 2020


First off, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

It's a weird holiday this year with the pandemic going on. A week ago we were planning on getting together at my mom's like we usually do but since then, my brother, aunt and uncle and my grandmother have all had positive tests for Covid. So we are all in our own homes today. My wife is still preparing a Thanksgiving feast for us so I'll still get the food but I won't get the time with the family and that's what I really love about the holidays. Just the hanging out and talking. I hope this gets better in the next month or so just so we can still have Christmas together.

My wife made all the sides yesterday so we could deliver food for some family yesterday. We took Cowboy (Damn) beans, Green Bean Casserole, Noodles and Sweet Potatoes to my grandmother, aunt and uncle, and my mom and dad. I put damn in there because that's what my wife calls them, damn beans. Mainly because after the first time she made them, my family now asks her every holiday to make them.

She's making a chicken today, no turkey because by the time we realized we would need one, they were hard to find. At least small enough for the 3 of us. She's making us mashed potatoes, stuffing and a pie for dessert. Plus the stuff listed in the previous paragraph that she made yesterday.

If you think we are over reacting by not getting together, I live in Elkhart county. Google it, we are very high in cases. We are the RV manufacturing capital and most of us have been back to work for awhile. I went and got tested yesterday after work. I'm not expecting a positive but I figured it doesn't hurt to get tested since a ton of people have had it so I've definitely been exposed. It'll be my 3rd Covid test but the other 2 were before a surgery, not because of exposure or symptoms.

It's really bad here and to be honest, it doesn't seem like anybody is doing anything about it. I don't know what they can do or not do, I'm not going to get into all that. All I know, is that it doesn't feel like they are doing enough.

I guess for Thanksgiving, I'm giving up thanks that I have been Covid free so far and that even though I work in a factory with a 150 or so people, that I pretty much stay to myself and work by myself. I'm thankful that my son hasn't had it because even though we kept him out of school and he's doing virtual learning, he does have a job at Dairy Queen so he works a few days a week. I think he's pretty good at keeping his mask on at work thought. Same goes for my daughters, both have jobs in the public and have been Covid free. Both have been tested multiple times because of exposure and they've all came back negative. I'm also extremely thankful that my wife pretty much stays home all the time. When she does go anywhere, she doesn't go in anywhere and is just picking up stuff they bring out to the car. While I do believe she is healthy enough to fight off Covid, I don't want to take the chance with all her other medical issues.

I'm also thankful that the family members I care about haven't gotten it or have had somewhat mild cases when they have. A few still have it so hopefully they don't get any worse. I'm definitely concerned about my grandmother having it but so far she's just been tired and is having sinus issues.

I'm extremely thankful for my wife. She didn't have to go through all the trouble of making this dinner for us. She knows Trevor and I would eat a frozen pizza if we needed to, we're not picky. I love the fact that she did, for us. I really love that she wanted to take my family all kinds of food yesterday as well. She really would do anything for anybody. You know she's a strong woman to put up with me on top of all her medical issues. She'll pay for the time in the kitchen and she knew that before she did it. I'm guessing a trip to the chiropractor will be in order for tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving.


  1. It sounds like you found yourself a good one! Hopefully those family members who've stayed Rona-free, will continue to do so; and those that haven't been as fortunate, will soon be on the road to recovery.

  2. YOU are doing something about it. People who choose to stay home when it is so tempting to travel - ARE doing something about it. Good for you. Happy you got the delicious meal, too!

  3. Kudos for doing what is best for your family, which extends to so many others in the long run. Your wife is a gem! Remember this will eventually end, and we can get together with our families again!

  4. Sounds like you are doing the right thing. If only other people would, we wouldn't b in such a mess.
