Monday, February 18, 2013

The weekend

In case you missed my last post, we went down to Bristol, Virginia.  The main reason of the trip was so that Cheri could see her best friend’s new baby she had a few months ago.  The secondary reason was to see Cheri’s family.  For those of you who haven’t been around long, Cheri lived in Virginia when we got together before moving back up here with me.  So we left on Thursday after dropping the kids off at school.  It generally takes us a little over 9 hours to get down there, it’s a little over 600 miles.  The sad part is, it takes 6 hours to get through the first 500 miles because it’s all interstate driving where the speed limit is 70.  Then it takes 3 hours to get through the last 100 miles because it’s highways around the mountains and the speed limit is only 55.  It sucks on the way down because after the first 6 hours, you know your close but it takes forever to get there.  On the way home, it’s not as bad because as soon as you get through the first 3 hours, the next 6 seem to go quick.

On Friday, we basically drove around and said hi to everyone, visiting a couple of hours with each.  Then I went to the local card shop and spent about an hour looking at cards before buying some.  And on Friday night we had supper with Cheri’s sister and her boyfriend before crashing back at the condo.  Then Saturday, I climbed in the car a little before 7 am and headed further south.  I have family in the Asheville, North Carolina area and I went to spend the day with a cousin.  We are both into sports card collecting and since I don’t have crap for shops around here, he was going to take me to the couple he frequents.  I got to his place about 8:30 and we climbed in his car and headed down to South Carolina to a flea market where a guy he knows sets up.  We spend a couple of hours there going through cards, before paying for our purchases and heading out.  We stopped at an out of the way collectibles place in Hendersonville, NC and spent a couple of hours there going through cards before paying and leaving.  It was very enjoyable day hanging out with people who are into cards, and talking about cards all day.  I don’t get to do that much other than blogging about them.  I get some interaction on My Sports Obsession but it’s different then actually sitting there and having a conversation about them.  I really enjoyed that.  We went back to his house and hung out for about an hour, going through our purchases for the day before I headed back to Bristol.

Cheri had spent the majority of the day on Saturday with her best friend, holding the baby.  Then had supper with her son before coming home right before I got there Saturday night.  She had informed me that she was all Virginiad out and wanted to go home on Sunday instead of Monday.  She saw everybody she wanted to see and she just really missed her bed and her kitty.  Besides, we really had no plans for Sunday anyways.  So we packed up Saturday night and left to come home on Sunday.  It was a pretty uneventful trip for drama which was nice because that’s what we usually get caught up in, is drama.  We got home last night around 7.  It was good to be home and relaxing in some furniture (there wasn’t much at the condo).

1,527 miles total on the trip.

We crashed a little earlier than normal because I had been sick the whole time we were gone.  Basically just a cold & sinus kind of thing.  Coughing, runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes.  I never really felt bad, just looked bad.  Saturday night was the worst part of it.  Cheri couldn’t even sleep with me because of all the noise I was making.  I tend to snore when my nose is stuffed up.  I drugged up Saturday night and all the way home yesterday and am on the mend.  I’m definitely feeling better today.

I didn’t really do much online the whole weekend.  Didn’t check Facebook or Twitter hardly at all.  The worse part is now I’m about a week behind on my blog reading, I have almost 6000 unread posts in my reader.  Even my All-Star folder (blogs I try to keep up with daily) has over 600 posts in it.  So if you start getting comments from me on stuff a week old, that would be why.  Normally I would make it up at work but we are now now no longer allowed to use our tablets on the line.  The stupid part is the foreman who declared it a rule, was the foreman who used to come up and watch our tablets when we had to work weekends and we would load up football or baseball games on them.  But that’s a bitch for another day.

I am home now and getting back into the swing of things.  I’m getting my kids back later this afternoon as they stayed with theEx and the JackAss all weekend.  Maybe I’ll get back into blogging to.  I guess we’ll see.

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