I might be addicted to social media. As a matter of fact, this is the header on my Twitter account.
“39, father of 4, spouse of 1. Sports fan of 3. Addicted to social media, blogging and sports cards. MS Spouse and a pain in the ass husband. Love my wife & kids”I have 3 blogs on blogger, 4 blogs on Tumblr, 3 twitter accounts, a personal Facebook page as well as 2 fan pages for 2 of the blogger blogs. A Goodreads, Instagram, GetGlue, Foursquare and a Google+ account. I might be a little obsessive. I’m going to run down most of those accounts above on this page. Please feel free to join me on any or all of the pages.
I prefer to run my blogs through Blogger. Wordpress sucked the few times I’ve used it. We’ll start with my obvious one, this one. I’ll give a description of 2 of them because my other blogger blog is private, it is more of a journal about myself and the kids that I keep in case theEx ever tries to go after custody of the kids. I also guest post other stuff on another blog that I’ll list it here too.

This is my everything blog. Because I don’t stick to one genre of blog, I have trouble getting those regular followers. But that’s cool, because I blog for myself anyways. Even if I am kind of all over the place. There’s parent blogs, caregiver blogs, humor blogs, entertainment blogs, media blogs, book blogs, ect. This is all of those and more. Besides, what am I going to do, start another blog? Yeah, I don’t think so. I have enough to deal with.

Obviously, this is my sports blog or rather a sports cards blog. I mainly post my sports cards here that I’ve picked up for my collections. I have multiple collections that I try to buy for. Team – White Sox Collection. Player – Paul Konerko Collection, Tom Seaver Collection, Luis Aparicio Collection, Dave Dravecky Collection, Billy Williams Collection and Peyton Manning Collection. So anytime I get something in one of those collections, it goes on this blog. I’m most interactive with my followers on this blog. I get way more comments and social interactions with fellow bloggers. I’ve even met a couple of them in person and to be honest, they are the friendliest of all my blogs.

This is the blog I guest post on. Any of my Michigan Wolverine cards or stories go on this. It’s actually ran by a fellow blogger friend of mine, whom I have hung out with and gone to Michigan stuff (games and fan appreciation day) with and have even talked of getting together for a card show. One other player collection that I have that I didn’t list above is my Mike Hart Collection, Since he’s a Wolverine, all his cards get posted here. As does everything in my Michigan Wolverines Collection.
I originally started a Tumblr account to go with My Sports Obsession blog because I was posting other sports pictures and I wanted to keep that blog sports card related. So we’ll start with that one. I mainly use Tumblr blogs for pictures only. I told you before that I have 4 Tumblr accounts and I do, but 2 of them are anonymous so I’m only going to show you the 2 that are logged with my name.

As I said above, I started this one to go with my blogger blog of the same name. I post (or reblog) all kinds of sports pictures on this one. From my main 3 teams (Chicago White Sox, Michigan Wolverines and Indianapolis Colts) to anything else. I do a lot of vintage pictures to current photos. If it’s sports related, it gets put here. I do also posts pictures of sports cards on here as well.

On this one I post (or reblog) anything that interests me. A lot of it is TV or movie related. Screen caps with quotes and stuff like that. Here is my tag cloud if that tells you anything.

As you can see, a little bit of everything but it’s mainly entertainment (Movies & TV).
While I am on Facebook quite a bit throughout the day, I generally am reading most everyone else’s stuff. I don’t really post on my personal page all that often. Sometimes just a post or 2 a week, rarely more than 4 or 5 times in a week. I do a lot of notifications to my phone but I mainly do that because Facebook seems to choose who I see and who I don’t. You can search my name and friend request me, but I generally only allow people I know of. I do allow fellow bloggers on but if you’re an everyday fan and I don’t know who you are then I probably won’t accept.
Random Thoughts From a Random Guy Facebook – I started this page awhile ago but have just started using it more. I’ve been posting some funny pics and stuff to it. It always has links to blog posts from this site posted to it as well.
My Sports Obsession Facebook – I rarely post anything on this page directly. Any post from My Sports Obsession and My Sports Obsession Tumblr blog all go directly to this page. I do occasionally post something sports related to it. But it doesn’t really have much interest to it so I don’t put a lot of time into it.

I said I have 3 twitter accounts, you’ll see 2 here. The other 1 is related to the 2 anonymous Tumblr accounts. While I do use twitter, I have trouble keeping up with everyone I follow so I tend to just ignore it. I have certain tweeters sent directly to my phone but not many and most of those are for comedic or sports reasons. I would like to utilize twitter better but like I said, I just have to hard of a time following everything.

This is my personal Twitter which I also use for this blog. I really don’t tweet a lot to it, I do occasionally, probably once a week, but a lot of my other accounts tweet to it for me. My Random Thoughts From a Random Guy blog, my A Day in the Life of a Nobody Tumblr, and my Instagram account all post here. If I had to guess, it gets maybe 12-15 tweets a week, but the majority of them are from other accounts. The screen cap above is outdated so don’t look at the numbers.

In case you can’t tell, this one is the one that goes with My Sports Obsession. Like the Facebook page, I don’t tweet much personally but all my blog posts go here, as well as all of the posts from the Tumblr related page. Like the one above, this pic is outdated. I did just branch this one off at end of last year so the few family and friends who follow my personal twitter didn’t have to deal with all the sports related tweets as well. A lot of my followers from my personal blog should have moved over here but short of my sending them all direct messages, most haven’t switched. Which of course mean, most of them really don’t follow me much.

Lately, I’ve only been posting about 1 picture a week to my Instagram and a lot of those are of my cat and sometimes the kids. I just don’t do much in my life to even take pictures of anything. During the holidays I posted more pictures but lately, very few.
One of my latest things to start posting on my Random Thoughts from a Random Guy blog is to talk about the books I’m reading. Part of that is the weekly meme (WWW Wednesdays) and part of it was joining Goodreads where I can keep track of the books I’m going to read or am reading or even that I’ve finished. I’ve always been into reading and I’m enjoying talking about books with others again. Plus it gives me good leads on new books.
I’ve added Pinterest to my social media endeavors. I use it a lot like I do my Tumblr’s but I get to combine them all into one place. As of now, my boards are as follows – Humor, Kitty, White Sox, TV Movies and Music, Vintage Sports, Michigan Wolverines, Star ?, Books, Female Celebrities, Kids, Indianapolis Colts, Superheroes. They are listed in order of number of pins on the boards. Most of the titles will tell you what is listed, the Star ? is Star Wars and Star Trek stuff.
Last but not least (actually it is) is Google+. While I do post to Google+, I do just because it’s there. The only thing I post is links to blog posts from Random Thoughts From a Random Guy and My Sports Obsession. I liked it when it first came out, but it didn’t really take on and most people never joined or use it.
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